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Dear PEN Generation – Happy International Kissing Day!

Kissing is a beautiful, pure and raw form of physical contact - whether it’s short and sweet or long and intense. Who doesn’t love a great kiss? Give your partners a wonderful good-morning kiss today, call them at work with just a “muah!” during lunch time, and give them a memorable welcome home with a toe-curling special.

Today, kissing should be number one priority on your agenda! And don’t forget to style up your lips – choose your favourite lipstick for the special occasion. Whether classic, dark, shinning or light red, you will blow your partners’ mind. Or a completely different colour for this enjoyable activity? Of course – go for it!


But not all kisses need to be romantic today. Greet your friends with a smacking kiss on the cheek, give your siblings a meaningful kiss on their foreheads, hug your parents and gently kiss them on their cheeks as you tell them how much they mean to you. What are you waiting for? Pucker up and kiss away!

Who did you kiss today? Was it as beautiful as you had hoped? Or did you only witness a great kiss that made you smile? Let your imagination go wild and capture your memories of the International Kissing Day!

