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Happy *Mother's Day*- Guest post by Lena Terlutter






The following guest post is written by Lena Terlutter to the delight of today's *Mother's Day*.


She will describe her *Mother's Day* in Ibiza this year. Please read the instructions below in order to participate in our *Mother's Day Raffle* and have the chance to win one of our beautiful Fashion Accessories!






Guest post by Lena Terlutter:

It's always special to me to be a Mum, but getting extra spoiled by my loves on that day, makes it of course a special day to me.


Of course, I will get some beautiful flowers and a present for my Mum as well, although she would of course never admit that she waited for it ;-)


The last weeks we have been exploring Ibiza and the most beautiful thing about this was, discovering it all today!

It's a blessing to be with the kids 24/7 and to not have other appointments, stress or commitments.

As photography is such a big passion of mine, I was super happy to be able to capture our stay in beautiful pictures which I took with my OLYMPUS PEN E-PL 8.



When traveling with kids it's not possible to carry heavy photo equipment, that's a big advantage of the OLYMPUS PEN camera - it's light and easy to carry.

I also love the quality and easy to handle WiFi function about it.




I hope you enjoyed my pictures and if you like to have some more Ibiza insights and even more OLYMPUS pictures head over to my blog or Instagram!


Oh, and you can take part in a raffle and maybe be a lucky winner by following the instructuons below! Good luck!

Want to take part in our *Mother's Day Raffle*? Easy! Simply follow the instructions below and have the chance to receive an amazing belated *Mother's Day* present:

Step 1: In case you are not signed up yet, quickly click here, sign-up and refresh your browser or click here after having signed up.

In case you are already signed up, log in, and click here.

Step 2: Comment under this blog post (until the 21th of May, 2017; 23:59) and answer the question "Why is your Mum the best?"

Step 3: Patiently wait for the winner's announcement on the 22nd of May, 2017.

Please view our Terms & Conditions.




Woop woop - these prizes could be yours:


1. - 7. Prize:  Set consisting of a Shoulder Bag "Just Nude" and a Hand Strap "Just Nude"

8. - 10. Prize:  Bucket Bag "Olive En Vogue"


11. - 15. Prize:  Shoulder Strap "Ink Couture"


Make your camera a shining fashion icon itself!



  • My mother is the best mother because she is the perfect definition of strong.

    Today is a perfect day to thank her for a life time of loving me, for believing in me, and for putting my hopes my dreams and needs ahead of her own, she is so deeply loved and appreciated.. Everyday was a constant battle with her illness but she never ever complained, Always positive such a happy lady. The day I watched her take her last breath was the most Terrifying day of my life, there's a big hole in my heart and life without her, im so proud of my mum, I love her with all my heart and soul. ❤️

  • my mother is supporting me in everything i do, want to do or have done. I can come to her with all my thoughts, problems, intentions and just to chat about daily things while drinking coffee. she's just the best mum I can imagine and couldn't be more thankful and happy to have her like a best friend by my side <3

  • My Mum is the best, because she's always there for me and I can ask her for advise no matter what. She's lovely and has always put us kids first, teached us to always be respectful and nice to others.

    I just hope I'll be a mother as good as her in the future.

  • My mum is my best friend...for she is all-in-one: mother,father,sisterbrother,best friend and best teacher. I can trust to her aaall my secrets and I'm sure that she'll keep it! Even now when we are living in different countries,she helps me when I need any help,she supports me in all my ideas...and makes me laugh every day. She is the best because she loves me to the moon and back....And I love her even more;)

  • My mom walks me through life. Only a heart as fearless as her heart could taught me to fight for what I want. I will never forget the warmth of her touch, her whispers in my ears and her magic to make fear disappear. Deep down inside, I know how much she cares because I feel the same about her. Her golden heart can't be forgotten. When I'm around her, I realize that she made me who I am. Like mother like daughter. She's a strong, confident and magical woman. I'm so lucky to have her as a mom.

  • My mom is the most patient person I can imagine. If I have again a crazy idea she tells me her doubts. It doesn't stop me of doing them though. In the end I always end up in the arms of my mom, the famous sentence "I told you so" appears and we end up in a lot of laughing. No matter what, she always has my back. She never loses trust in me and it always feels like coming home when I am with my mom.

  • The more I grow, the more I realize that my mom is the best friend that i ever had. She always puts everyone ahead of herself and she would never ever let my sister or me down. We are really happy to have such a caring mother. :)

  • My mum is the best because she is one of the strongest woman I know. She always told me I can be whatever I want to be in this life, but whatever I want to be, I have to be the best. She taught me to be independent and creative. Thanks to her I am where I am right now, an educated, strong, elegant woman. Thanks mum!

  • With 5 kids she single-handed practically raised us after my father died 13 years ago. She Always support me and my siblings in all the things we do, and raised us to be strong, self-independent human beings. My mother is my best friend and to her, I owe everything. Now it's my time to start give something back, so this camera shall be her present -shall I have the honour to win it.

  • My mother is the best because she taught me how to be strong, how to be caring and how to be a dreamer. The effort and hardwork that she has put into raising me up and making me the girl that I am today is absoulutly outstanding!I am so proud to be able to call her my mum.

  • My mother is the best because she taught me how to be strong, how to be caring and how to be a dreamer. The effort and hardwork that she has put into raising me up and making me the girl that I am today is absoulutly outstanding!I am so proud to be able to call her my mum.

  • Even though i'm grown up, i always ask my mom, when i'm Not sure what to do. and she has always an answer and is almost everytime right:)

  • My Mum is the most selfless person I know, she always puts her children before herself. I can always call her when ever I need to and know she will be there for us. She deserves everything she wishes for.

  • My mom is the best, just because she's my mom.

  • My mum is simply amazing❣️ shes my only true best friend she shows me everyday how you can stay strong and tender at the same time  she never fails making me laugh even in hardest times and you know, life is better with your smile on  :)

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