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  • Another good and interesting architectural shot showing great detail  and intrigue. I like the way angle of the image takes your eyes along the building and enticing you to look at the windows and stonework around it.

    I hope you are having a great Sunday with perhaps a good lunch? It's a tradition here in the UK, as you may know. Perhaps it was thought of in order to soften the impact of another Monday!

    We've got colder temperatures here, but I think we gave the sunnier conditions to you in Germany whilst wishing you all well. Apparently we are due a sustained heatwave sometime in May, how they work that out is strange as they only commit to 5 day forecasts. When you've finished with the sunnier conditions can we please have them back?

  • Thanks for your coments and thank you for the sun. Sunday was great, hope yours, too. Here it's also tradition to have a good lunch.

    I just watched the forcast. On Tuesday you will have back the warm conditions. That's a little pitty because May 1st is a holiday here in Germany.

  • Thank you, that will just be in time for the first bank holiday on 7th May with a good lunch and gin, I presume you also recommend this?

  • Yes, I would recommend that, too. I had to investigate „bank holiday“. And again I have learned something new. Thank you for that. Do you also like gin, or is it a cliché about the British? What sort or brand do you recommend?

  • Cliche as regards drinking? I'm afraid not as binge drinking has long been a problem mostly at weekends with bars and clubs, though younger people who go clubbing and enjoy night life have always done this as I did but then you grow out of it.

    Some people still think its great to go out and get drunk at the weekends and consider it a poor weekend if they haven't done so. A lot of these problems put pressure on the NHS of course. But most of the UK is not like that it will always be the minority who cause problems and most of us will enjoy a sociable drink. But alcohol has always been a problem throughout history and Gin consumption increased in the 18th century across the UK gin has become more popular here but respected and fashionable with different varities being exported.

    Alcohol wherever available will always cause problems and I think certain elements of our football fans don't portray a good image of the majority.Me personally, I like the occasional red wine, Guinness or cold beer but that could be 2 glasses max with a gap of a few months. If I meet up with friends we drink coffee and there are many coffee bars in Birmingham now. But being English I love a cup of strong tea preferably with ginger biscuits!

  • I meant cliché as regards drinking gin. Like the cliché of germans drinking beer and eat sauerkraut and sausages. I agree with you. I also don't drink alcohol often and then enjoy something good and not get drunk. I like to drink a cup of good coffee or espresso, also preferably in combination with something sweet. Life is too short to waste the time to get rid of the hangover. Better take the time to explore the world (whether near or far), take a few pictures and optimize them in the digital darkroom, or create a photo book.

  • How funny! I went into a long sprawling history about the English drinking habits, apologies, but it did mention gin of course. As I said it has become more popular as different varieties are available proving a good export. I kknow that as I saw it on the news not long ago.

    Your like me, if you have tea or coffee you must have something sweet with it or it's a waste! We live in good times as regard coffee shops there are so many choices, but in Germany and Europe this has always been the norm and we are catching up.

    Thanks for you're kind comments on my contest entry, appreciated.

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