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Near the village of Llanberis on the edge of Snowdonia National Park, North Wales. Processed in Silver Efex Pro 2 for B&W.


  • Beautiful dramaturgy. I guess this is the view to the other side. Seems to be a nice destination. I hope you had nice days there.

    Thanks a lot for your comments, which i answered all beneath my pictures.

  • Thank you again, yes well spotted it is a different angle of  the same area. These were taken 2015/17 I'm going through the files on the SD card. Snowdonia and Mount Snowdon are about 3.5 hours train ride from Birmingham then we catch a bus which is another 40 minutes,  worth it. You can see the park on the web its worth a look.

  • I just searched for it on the web. A very beautiful area. That's the good thing about the photography. We can expand our horizon by exploring the world through the eyes of others.

  • I know, isn't that amazing. What would we have done 30 years ago? Sent some printed images in an envelope? Suggested a travel magazine? I think digital photography is better than film and I should know as I used to sell it when I worked in retail some years ago and remember the first digital cameras, awful! But its easy to be nostalgic about film but it's not as versatile and the quality of digital has caught up.

    Would Bavaria be similar to Snowdonia?

  • In Bavaria, I do not know so well. I live in Baden-Württemberg. For example, you can search online for "Schwarzwald". But there are many other beautiful landscapes in Germany, too. The crazy thing is that you often know other countries better than your own environment.

    Yes, it is amazing what a great development the technology has taken in recent years. It's up to us to use it positively.

  • Baden Württemberg in South West German the sunnier area and no wonder you get those great landscape shots it would appear there are large forest areas within this state. Very picturesque for those landscapes. You are right we often know more of other countries history and geography, I think that is because we are more inclined to travel out to other areas often being more open minded to adventure when we have our own country and home to explore. My wife says that, I want to see the USA while i'm healthy. But we both live in amazing parts of the world, Germany and the UK.

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