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MyOMSYSTEM picture description and tags
A different perspective of Birmingham's Selfridge's store. A building photographed so many times due to it's unique eye catching architecture. It is difficult to get something different but this building always tempts you.


  • I just researched the building. Congratulations, you really did manage to shoot differently than what you normally see. Good composition, especially with the person in the foreground, who also takes a picture.

    i also got some information about birmingham at the occasion. It seems to be an interesting, versatile city.

    Thanks again for your comments and compliments, about my writing and photography. I can only give that back and look forward to future conversations.

  • Thank you again for you're kind comments. There are some interesting buildings and developments in Birmingham at present. The new library is another. Selfridge's was very dynamic at the time as it went against the norm.and came out of the Bull Ring redevelopment which was much needed!

  • ......also meant to say, will look forward to more conversations and photography.

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