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The Danes drink a lot, they binge drink, and there are few who do not drink. This is how one can define the Danish alcohol culture. Approximately 850,000 Danes drink more than what the Health Authority thinks is good. People that do not drink at all make up only 13 percent of the adult population.


  • This is really a problem that needs to be solved. You know, in this case, I would like to say that you will definitely be able to improve it by using precisely this cannabis. For example, you can watch this from this source where you will be able to get a product that helps to avoid stress and so on. It is quite widespread and impressive.
  • Well, I agree with your thoughts. I have been drunk for about a year in a row and since then I decided to quit and now have sleep issues. It is a nightmare I can`t get through. Does someone know what to do with such a problem?
  • I also had trouble sleeping, just for a different reason. I used sleeping pills for a long time, but they had terrible side effects. After that, I tried CBD and was surprised that it did not have any unpleasant effects on me. The most important thing is to buy products of this kind in trusted stores like, because they have managed to establish themselves and have a good reputation that they don’t want to lose, they check the goods they sell accordingly. Before using - be sure to consult a doctor, as CBD in some cases does not work very well for people with psychological problems.

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